Investment Committee
Our philosophy
The Investment Committee develops the company’s investment objectives and policies on investing. Our experienced and expert team meet regularly to discuss and make strategic investment decisions.
Our investment approach is driven by time-tested principles of focused quality research, portfolio diversification and a disciplined long-term horizon.
In an ever changing market, we still believe in building portfolios of enduring quality that help clients to avoid the pitfalls that erode wealth.

Tom Spain
Director, Investment Manager & Stockbroker
Tom founded the business in 2010, naming the business after his father a man of integrity and exceptional leadership. Tom wanted to be able to manage client funds in the same way he does his own and to base his business in the heart of two rural local communities he feels a strong affinity with.
Tom has managed investments within discretionary portfolios since the start of the business and have looked after families overlapping generations in the local area who have trusted Henry Spain with their assets. Managing the Cautious, Balanced and Growth Portfolios, Tom also runs the AIM portfolio which specialises in small UK businesses for the purpose of inheritance tax relief.
With the diligence and appetite to learn and excel, Tom will read and spread enthusiasm of the likes of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, and Phil Fisher.
“A lot of other people are trying to be brilliant. We’re just trying to be rational”
Tom continues to lead, develop, and grow the team at Henry Spain. Tom brings the together the experts, and chairs the Investment Committee and Risk Committee to grow and protect client interests.

Dr Glen Arnold, PhD. BSc Econ (Hons)
Investment Manager
What works in investing? That was the question Glen Arnold sought to answer in his tenure as Professor of Investing, drawing on academic insights, great investors’ ideas and his own experiences to teach value investing techniques to students and to fund managers new and old.
Along the way, Glen authored the UK’s best-selling investment book (The Financial Times Guide to Investing) alongside titles on value investing (The Financial Times Guide to Value Investing) and investment trailblazers (The Great Investors, The Deals of Warren Buffett).
2013 saw Glen start a new chapter. Swapping his professorship for the real-world rigours of being a full-time investor, Glen would test his ability to out-perform the stock market by investing his own money using the lessons he’d learned during his academic career. In doing so, Glen would offer full public disclosure of the rationale behind his buy and sell decisions online in a newsletter to followers, sharing each success and struggle along his investment journey.
Glen’s new investment adventure saw him become a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder and attend many annual general meetings in Omaha.
Elsewhere in the audience – and unbeknownst to Glen – was Tom Spain; another UK Buffett enthusiast building his own investment reputation by adopting Buffett and Munger’s investment philosophies for Henry Spain. When several of their UK investment choices overlapped, Glen and Tom found themselves attending the same annual general meetings, where they grilled directors with polite – but penetrating – questions.
After eight years investing only his own money and that of his wife, Lesley, Glen was satisfied that he had proven his ability to out-perform the stock market by applying the tested value investment techniques he’d taught for many years and was therefore ready to manage other people’s money.

Chris Bailey
Global Equity Analyst
Chris has just under 25 years of investment industry experience at long-only and long-short institutions as a global multi-asset fund manager, strategist/macro thinker and, in the earlier part of his career, as a securities and fund analyst.
He strongly believes in the importance of the fusion of top-down and bottom-up analysis taking a view that an understanding of both aspects is the only way to get a full view of global opportunities across equity, bond and alternative investment markets.
Prior to acting as our Global Equity Analyst, Chris worked for a London based fund management group and headed the team for a range of globally directly invested mutual funds, personally running the Growth, Balanced and Conservative funds (collectively c. US$2bn of assets) all of which were either first or second quartile against their respective peer groups from inception in 2010 to the end of 2012. In the four years prior to this, for the same fund management company, he managed global thematic equity and European equity funds that also outperformed their benchmarks.
Chris forms part of the Henry Spain Investment Committee and spends time engaging with management and researching companies in client portfolios.

Jackie Tran
Chief Operating Officer
Jackie graduated from Warwick University in Discrete Mathematics. Jackie likes to stimulate her mind by being a Toastmaster and more recently with learning Python.
Jackie is part of the Investment Committee, Risk Committee, and Management Board. Day to day she oversees systems such as the CRM, trading, and recruiting.
Jackie is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), and has completed her Investment Management Certificate with CFA.